Vikash Deep Foundation (VDF): Vocational Training Centers

At VDF, we appreciate the importance of education in our life. We fully understand that education is a great empowering tool that provides knowledge that can be put to excellent practical use. Besides, a well informed individual is always better equipped to make the right choice at the right time. Also, not only can he make the right choices and seize the opportunity, but can also create the new ones as and when required.

At VDF, we are committed to transform the dreams of the underprivileged into healthy, happy realities. Our educational programs are not only comprehensive, but also take the socio-economical milieu fully into consideration; most of the learners come from.

We believe in providing all with equal opportunities for an all round development. Moreover, we believe in the holistic well being of all rather than just equipping them with education. We appreciate that when a child is educated, he becomes an asset not only for himself, but the entire society.

We appreciate that each child is unique. All our volunteers and the team members select a child or another to be educated at one of the VDF centers for some reason or another. Thus we make it sure that though all children are precious concerning the future of India, these are the most needy who should be the most benefitted by us, first of all. 

VDF provides highly qualitative education: 
Education provided by our centers at VDF is not only highly qualitative, but we also ensure that the number of the dropouts are minimized.

Besides, our team of teachers sees to it that the children make it a habit to revise and thus, retain whatever they have learnt for longer spans of time.

Thus, in order to provide the children with a good quality of education, we see to it that all the projects are monitored properly. Besides, we keep a record of the progress made by all of the students. Apart from motivating the students, we believe in motivating all our teachers as well so that the children are educated in the best possible manner.

We stick to a program so that each of the children being educated at any of our centers receives a good quality education. All of the VDF  centers stick to the quality maintenance program when it comes to providing education, or for that matter, any of the programs for the well being of society conducted by VDF.

We appreciate that the children we educate come from various backgrounds. As there are linguistic, cultural, social, economical and various other types of differences to which the children coming to us belong, we make our educational programs flexible in order to motivate all the children, irrespective of their backgrounds, so that they learn whole heartedly.

Grouping the learning children as per the suitable criteria: 
Most of the school children who happen to be underprivileged by some means or another do not get to complete the school term. Fate forces them to be a dropout.  The reasons may be many and of various kinds as well. We identify the reasons for each of the drop outs and motivate the child accordingly to resume his education.

If required, we also group the children into various groups as per the requirements so that the children enjoy the experience of being educated with their peers in an environment that proves highly positive for their overall development and growth.

Our educational strategies:

We appreciate that time is precious. Besides, learning should be fun. It should not be a dull, monotonous activity. So we see to it that apart from the daily teaching schedules that focus on erudition i.e., gaining knowledge from the books, learning for children should be based on various activities so that they not only find receiving education an interesting experience, but should also be able to retain in mind whatever they learn at the VDF centers. It also helps them gain a sharp memory.

We deal with the problem at the grass root level:

Nobody exists in a vacuum. And for that matter, a learning child forms no exception. He, of course, comes from a family, and the entire community behind. So dealing with the problem of children’s education is only focusing on the education issues at the grass root level. Thus we try to alleviate the problems not only at the family level, but also at the level of the community. In case, we feel that any of the learners is on the route towards being a dropout, our team visits the unfortunate child and motivates not only him, but also his guardians to allow the child to attend school.

Paying individual attention to the children:

Each of the children is unique to us. We pay proper attention to the overall development of the personality of the children. We identify the problems faced by all the children and fix them accordingly.